Zuletzt bearbeitet vor 2 Wochen
von Verena Hösl

Release Notes

  • BlueSpice free: sourceforge.net
  • Subskriptionskunden: Zur Aktualisierung erstellen Sie bitte ein Ticket mit dem Titel Update auf BlueSpice 4.1.0 im Ticket-System.

©2021 by Hallo Welt! GmbH https://bluespice.com, https://hallowelt.com


Hinweis:Support für BlueSpice 3.x endet am 15. März 2023.

4.1.0[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

BlueSpice 4.1.0 is a minor release. This is a stable release. It is the first public release of the BlueSpice 4 major line.

Notable changes[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • New skin "BlueSpiceDiscovery"
    • Modern lightweight skin
    • Focus on neutral design and usability
    • It is still possible to use the predecessor skin BlueSpiceCalumma
  • FlexiSkin
    • Customize logo, skin colors and font settings within minutes directly in the wiki
    • Even more options than before
  • Workflows
    • Redesigned from scratch
    • Workflows now run on the basis of BPMN, a leading standard for creating business processes
    • Easier customization of workflows is now possible
    • Four workflows are delivered by default
  • My tasks
    • New extension "UnifiedTaskOverview"
    • Overview page, which allows users to view and work through all pending reviews and read confirmations
  • BPMN diagrams via CognitiveProcessDesigner
    • New extension "CognitiveProcessDesigner"
    • Create business processes in BPMN format directly in the wiki
    • Diagrams can be exported as a XML file or in SVG format
    • Import of XML files or SVG files is also possible
  • Two-factor-authentification (2FA)
    • Logins can be configured by using
      • additional one-time passwords or
      • physical security key (fido stick)

Extensions added[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • DataTransfer (#25428)
    • Allows users to import and export data to as well as from the wiki
    • Exporting in XML format
    • Importing in XML, CSV and some spreadsheet formats.
  • EventBus (#25809)
    • Provides state changes (edit, move, delete, revision visibility, etc.) to a RESTful event service
    • Provides users of the service the ability to track changes of MediaWiki content
  • Forms (#23467)
    • New form function
    • Allows formatting a wikipage as a form
  • Loops (#25809)
    • Parser functions to perform loops
  • OATHAuth (#25920)
    • Enabled by default in BlueSpice pro (previously only in BlueSpice Cloud)
  • PageCheckout (#25911)
    • Allows exclusive rights on a page
  • PageHeader (#25780)
    • Provides an additional user interface before page content
  • RevisionSlider (#18545)
    • Adds a slider interface to the Diff view
    • Allows to easily switch between revisions to compare them
  • SecureLinkFixer (T257180 )
    • Automatically rewrites URLs to HTTPS if the domain requires HTTPS
    • Uses the Mozilla HSTS preload list for the list of domains
  • StandardDialogs (#23082)
    • Provides dialog user interfaces for common page actions
  • WebAuthn (#25430)
    • Provides authentication support via the WebAuthn protocol

Extensions removed[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • BlueSpiceBookshelfUI (#21137)
    • removed since BlueSpice 3.2
  • BlueSpiceEditNotifyConnector (#19985)
    • removed since BlueSpice 3.2
    • integrated in BlueSpiceEchoConnector
  • BlueSpiceReview (#26137)
    • replaced by extension Workflows
  • BluespiceSocialArticleActions (#21134)
  • BlueSpiceTagSearch (#13371)
    • removed since BlueSpice 3.2
    • integrated in BlueSpiceExtendedSearch
  • BlueSpiceUserMergeConnector(#16839)
  • BlueSpiceVisualDiff (#24098)
    • replaced by RevisionSlider
  • CookieWarning (#25431)
    • integrated in BlueSpicePrivacy
  • Duplicator (#23526)
    • replaced by copy function in extension StandardDialogs
  • EditNotify (#19985)
    • removed since BlueSpice 3.2
    • integrated in BlueSpiceEchoConnector
  • Quiz (#22163)
  • PageSchemas (#18542)
  • SemanticInternalObjects (#18543)

Changes in BlueSpice free[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Move LDAP-Stack extensions from BlueSpice free to BlueSpice pro (#25947)
    • LDAP-Stack extensions are only available in BlueSpice pro
  • BlueSpicePermissionManager: Disable "Custom" permission preset for BlueSpice free (#25948)
    • "Custom" permission preset is only availabe in BlueSpice pro

Changes and bugfixes[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • [bug] Privacy: Cookies are set although they are not accepted by the user (#24473)
Some cookies were set although they weren't accepted by the user. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] [privacy] Change cookie acceptance for convenience cookies from "on by default" to "off by default" (#24612)
The default settings for cookies needed to be changed to a more "privacy-friendly" setup. Therefore, convenience cookies are now turned off by default.
  • [bug] Page expiries are not trackable (#21148)
Page expiries weren't trackable in any way. We have added a special log.
  • [bug] Never exclude admin user from pageaccess and use warning for read-only instead (#20238)
Using the magic word pageaccess lead to issues for admin users. Now, admin users can always access protected pages.
  • [privacy] Improvements Cookie-Consent-Layer (#26564, #26945, #27004)
Some improvements for the cookie-consent-layer have been made. This concerns descriptions of the cookies collected and accessibility without accepting cookies.
  • [bug] Create new pages does not trigger page templates (#21652)
Creating a new page didn't trigger page templates. This is now fixed. If PageTemplates are activated in the namespace settings, adding a new page leads to the view where the user can choose from available page templates.
  • Force HTML mail on watchlist changes (#23143)
  • FlaggedRevs: Remove FREEZE option from GUI (#24741)
The option FREEZE was removed from the ConfigManager due to missing MediaWiki longterm support.
  • Remove "external avatars image" functionality (#25875)
The functionality to use external images for an avatar was removed.
  • BreadcrumbNav refinement (#26566)
Some refinement regarding the breadcrumb navigation has been done. If a mainpage for the corresponding namespaces exists, the breadcrumb links to its mainpage. If a mainpage for the corresponding namespace doesn't exist, the breadcrumb links to "Special:AllPages" for the associated namespace.
  • [bug] Double booktitle in navigation (#22826)
The book title was shown twice in the chapter navigation after adding the navigation buttons. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] PDFTemplates - Margins for #runningheaderfix and #runningfooterfix not correct (#21785)
Within PDF templates the margins for #runningheaderfix and #runningfooterfix were not correct. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Check "return to " url on SearchCenter when coming from tag search (#22027)
The return to link was missing on the SearchCenter when coming from the TagSearch. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] InviteSignup - invited users cannot signup (#22222)
After clicking on the email link to sign up, the user were not able to see the sign up form, but were asked to sign in. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Remove duplicator feature (#23526)
The duplicator feature was removed from BlueSpice 4. It is replaced by the copyfunction of the extension StandardDialogs.
  • [bug] Template:User is used on automatically created user page, but does not exist (20815)
Descprition: By using the Template:User the user page was not created automatically. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Bookexport - links in exported PDF not working (#23557)
The links in a exported PDF (via bookexport) didn't work correctly. This is now fixed.
  • [bug][cloud] User:MediaWiki default should be excluded from usercount (#23255)
The user "User:MediaWiki" was included in the usercount. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] [cloud] Link "Datenschutz" in footer isn´t working (#23524)
The link "Privacy Policy" in the footer led to "Special:PrivacyPolicy", which didn't exist. This is now fixed.
  • NSFileRepo changed file paths after migration from 3.1.x to cloud 4.0.x (#24568)
The NSFileRepo changed file paths after migration. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Exception at SemanticMediawiki -> rebuildData in context with UserGroupManager (#25367)
  • [bug] VE "Insert link to file" converts spaces in file name to + signs (#22674)
Spaces in URLs were converted to "+" signs. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Permission issue - not allowed to view drafts vs no read permissions in cloud wikis (#24999)
There was a permission issue due to different settings. This is now fixed since only groups, which are selected in the ConfigManager are able to see drafts.
  • Issue in PdfHandler extension (#25731)
The wildcard didn't work in the PDF handler, which caused that results were not shown. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] FlaggedRevs: Approved page and same page with url-param stable=1 show different resources (#24740)
  • [bug][cloud] Problems on first edit of tables and file links (#23783)
There were issues with the first edit of tables and also with file links. A user wasn't able to edit individual cells in tables and also didn't get the option "link to file". This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Early page break in PDF export when using br-tags(#20301)
When using br-tags the page break in exported pdf files was too early. This is now fixed.
  • Add extension EventBus (#25809)
EventBus is a "webhook" system which allows a user to react to actions in the wiki. This extension is now implemented.
  • [bug] Indicator doesn't disappear despite there are no tasks (#27015)
When a user finished his tasks, the indicator still got displayed in the personal menu. This is now fixed.
  • Incompatibility with MW 1.35 (#26960)
There were some imcompatibility issues with MediaWiki 1.35. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Wikiexplorer column "Assignments" has formatting issue (#22208)
The "Assignments"-column of the WikiExplorer had some formatting issues. This is now fixed.
  • Disable PageSchemas in minor and remove in major (#18542)
The extension PageSchemas was removed in BlueSpice 4.
  • UX Review of BlueSpiceSocial (#19714)
BlueSpiceSocial was reviewed in the context of the new skin.
  • Major database change breaks various extensions (#19353)
Due to changes in the database schema some extensions broke within the cloud build. This is now fixed.
  • Remove SocialActions from Editions (#21134)
SocialActions were removed and page edits aren't producing social entities anymore.
  • [bug] Image file conversion error of wrong type (#9179)
There was an image file conversion error. This is now fixed since uploading files with the same format works.
  • Improve integration of FlaggedRevs and Semantic MediaWiki (#14846)
There is a new security feature that restricts the reading of semantic data in FlaggesRevs namespaces. For further information see https://de.wiki.bluespice.com/wiki/Handbuch:Erweiterung/FlaggedRevs#Auswirkungen_auf_semantische_Attribute.
  • Add Extension:Loops (#21179)
  • [bug] ConfigManager MenuTagMultiselectWidget removing stuff when using ENTER (#25701)
  • Check revision slider (#18545)
  • Make page title fixed on scroll (#26568)
  • Page history styling (#26586)
  • BreadcrumbNav refinement (#26566)
  • [bug] Add to book leads to title with underscores instead of spaces (#26609)
  • Remove not necessary MediaWiki help links (#26597)
  • PageStatusSentence - Remove "No status information" sentence (#26632)
  • Spinoff:Extension PageCheckout (#26251)
  • [bug] ConfigManager - remove setting which is not needed anymore (#26697)
Some settings in the ConfigManager weren't needed anymore. This is now fixed.
  • [bug] Tables - config options are sometimes not active (#26349)
  • [bug] "Filterable" property for tables not working (#26738)
  • Special:Workflows overview - Its not that obvious that you can open the subject page where a workflow is running (#26583)
  • Sort global actions (#26584)
  • [bug] Clicking on "create new attachment area" switches into edit mode (#26660)
  • [bug] Page expiries are not trackable (#21148)
Page expiries weren't trackable in any way. This is fixed since a special log exists now.
  • [bug] Email notification sends wrong pagelinks (#26668)
  • Implement CognitiveProcessDesigner (#25763)
  • Implement CPD into magic words (#26702)
  • [privacy] Improvements Cookie-Consent-Layer (#26564, #26945, #27004)
Some improvements for the cookie-consent-layer have been made. This concerns descriptions of the cookies collected and accessibility without accepting cookies.
  • [bug] Link "Buch bearbeiten" führt in den Quelltext, statt in action=editbook (#27055)
  • [bug] Backlink to page missing (#27058)
  • Directly jump into edit-mode when there's no page template (#26939)
  • Consolidate menu items (#22818)
  • Fix URLs in Discovery left sidebar (#26641)
  • [bug] Users can log in without cookie consent (#27004)
  • Change behavior of "save changes" (#27192)
  • [impr] Shorten the duration of "You are logged in" (#26693)
  • Extension UnifiedTaskOverview (#25210)
  • [FR] activate UserFunctions in Cloud-systems (#24717)
  •   Support Tasks Milestone 3 - FlexiSkin FavIcon and Logo - Path (#20730)
  • [ux] [saferedit] Nennung aller Autoren, falls mehrere daran arbeiten (#10240)
  • Only show relevant groups in managers and dialogs (#26299)

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